How do I get more pet sitting customers?


tips to get more pet sitting customers I don’t advertise my pet sitting business. This is because I have more than enough customers. Word of mouth is all I need. However, this didn’t happen overnight.

Tour con San Diego Humane Society


San Diego Humane Society North Campus Sono andato in un posizionamento volontario con la San Diego Humane Society. Ho esplorato il North Campus, che solo i cani di Homes, così come sono rimasto colpito dalla

Cosa c’è nella calza di Natale del tuo cane? Platone Pet Treats


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My dog Whines on weekend Mornings


If your dog whines on weekend mornings when you’re trying to sleep in an extra 45 mins, this article will help! My own dog Remy is on a schedule! I’m up and feeding him at

Breed Profile: Newfoundland


Newfoundlands just might be the most gentle dogs there are. before I started my pet sitting and canine running business, I used to pet sit for a Newfoundland named Wallee. Wallee (pictured below, left) didn’t

Dog Pee uccide il prato


OK, l’avevo sentito così tante volte che ci credevo: l’urina per cani da compagnia femminile uccide il prato e l’urina per cani da compagnia maschile no. In realtà ci ho pensato oggi e ho capito